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Sustainable development of Agricultural Credit Corporation JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Company) is a set of principles and obligations that guide the Company in carrying out its activities, in terms of:

  1. managing relationships with stakeholders;
  2. assessment and management of impacts on the national economy, social sphere and environment.

The society ensures the consistency of its economic, environmental and social goals for sustainable development in the long term.

The economic component of the Company’s sustainable development contains the following goals:

  1. break-even of the Company's activities;
  2. ensuring the interests of the Sole Shareholder and investors;
  3. increasing process efficiency;
  4. increasing labor productivity and increasing investment in fixed capital through lending to agricultural entities;

The social component of the Company’s sustainable development contains the following goals:

  1. ensuring transparent competitive procedures and equal opportunities for employment;
  2. fair remuneration and respect for workers' rights;
  3. ensuring labor safety and maintaining the health of workers;
  4. training and professional development of employees;
  5. implementation of internal and external social programs.

The Company’s objectives in the field of sustainable development are:

  1. integration of the principles of sustainable development into the activities of society;
  2. conducting activity analysis and risk control in the context of the three components of sustainable development;
  3. improving the quality of sustainable development management through organizing systematic work;
  4. creation of mechanisms for effective interaction of the Company with stakeholders, including regular reporting on the results of activities in the field of sustainable development.

The purpose of this Policy is to determine the fundamental norms, principles, rules and approaches that the Company must adhere to in building a management system in the field of sustainable development.

Objectives of this Policy:

  1. determine the principles and directions of the Company’s activities in the field of sustainable development, including in terms of creating an effective and transparent system of interaction with stakeholders;
  2. consolidate the roles, competencies, responsibilities of each body and all employees of the Company for the implementation of the principles of sustainable development;
  3. determine the relationship between sustainable development and key processes of the Company.

When solving problems in the field of sustainable development, the Company relies on its mission, the provisions of the Company’s Development Strategy, and also uses international norms of behavior and principles enshrined in international standards in the field of sustainable development.

The Company considers the use of international standards in the field of sustainable development as a necessary condition for ensuring compliance of its activities with best international practices and achieving goals and objectives in the field of sustainable development.


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