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1) Open the website in Safari
2) Click save
3) Add to home screen

The Borrower may visit the Company and (or) submit in writing or in the manner stipulated by the agreement a statement containing information on the reasons for the delay in fulfillment of the obligation under the agreement, income and other confirmed circumstances (facts) that cause its application for amendments to the terms of the agreement, including those related to:

  • deferral of payment on the principal debt and (or) remuneration;
  • changing the repayment schedule (prolongation);
  • writing off forfeit (fine, penalty), commissions and other payments;
  • other methods not contradicting the legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the terms of the agreement. The Company, in the manner and within the timeframe provided for by internal regulatory documents and the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, considers proposed changes to the terms of the contract and in writing or in the manner provided for by the contract and informs the borrower of the decision made, request for additional documents, if necessary to make a decision on granting restructuring.

For debt settlement issues, the Borrower may visit the Company's Branches / Central Office of the Company mentioned at the link:


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