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Youth microcredit from ACC: livestock, service provision and trade were the main areas of funding applications in the first month

During the first month of accepting applications for preferential microloans at 2.5% per annum, provided to youth for the implementation of entrepreneurial initiatives of Agricultural Credit Corporation JSC, the main areas of applications for financing were livestock farming, the provision of services and trade.

The Agrarian Credit Corporation began accepting applications for the youth microcredit program in March of this year. During this period, 761 applications were received from young entrepreneurs aged 21 to 35 for preferential microloans at 2.5% per annum.

Most of the applications concern livestock projects. Thus, 485 citizens applied for a microloan for livestock farming, 191 for financing the provision of services, 46 for trade, 22 for light industry, 9 for processing agricultural products and 8 for crop production. In total, it is planned to issue 5,796 microloans in 2023.

32-year-old resident of Karaganda Moldir Taylakova became the first Kazakh woman whose application for the youth microcredit program of Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC was approved. A young entrepreneur received a loan for 5 million tenge through ACC, with which she plans to purchase commercial real estate to open a beauty salon.

As noted by the ACC, microloans are issued for starting or expanding a business to young people aged 21 to 35 years, subject to registration as an individual entrepreneur for a period of no more than 5 years. In this case, the age of the participants is taken into account at the time of submitting an application to Agricultural Credit Corporation JSC.

The size of the microloan can be up to 5 million tenge, and the maximum period of participation is from 5 years (for any purpose) to 7 years (for livestock projects).

The nominal interest rate is no more than 2.5% per annum.

Recipients of microloans are provided with a grace period for repayment of the principal debt and remuneration, which is no more than one third of the duration of the microloan term.

A prerequisite is the presence of collateral. This includes movable (specialized equipment) and immovable property. In the absence of collateral, it is possible to involve a mortgagor (parents, relatives, etc.).

To submit an application, you must submit a package of documents to the branch of Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC.

Required list of documents:

  1. identification document;
  2. business plan for the project;
  3. a certificate from the servicing bank confirming the existence of an account;
  4. a certificate of the presence of loan debt, including overdue debt from financial organizations (if there are loans);
  5. a document confirming the salary and (or) other income of the participant/applicant (extract from the accumulative pension fund), if available;
  6. report on the assessment of property provided as collateral;
  7. documents on the pledgor and collateral.
Microloans are issued for any purpose except:
  • acquisition, construction or renovation of residential real estate (including temporary/permanent housing for livestock farmers), acquisition of land plots (for any purpose);
  • acquisition of securities (portfolio investments);
  • production or acquisition of weapons (including components for the production of weapons), narcotic substances or other property withdrawn from civilian circulation;
  • organization and (or) development of the gambling business;
  • activities related to terrorism and any other activities prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • production of excisable goods/products, with the exception of projects involving the production of motor vehicles and the production of wine from own-produced grapes, as well as the purchase of tobacco and/or alcohol products;
  • repayment of accounts payable;
  • personal consumer purposes not related to business.
  • Microloans are issued based on the decision of a special commission, at whose meetings applicants present their business projects.
Thus, the decision to provide a microloan is made on a commission basis and on the basis of clear criteria for assessing the elaboration of the project, which must be relevant, reasoned, economically justified, socially significant, viable, with a clear action plan.

Currently, applications for microloans are accepted in 16 regions and cities of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent. In the East Kazakhstan region, applications will be accepted soon.

The addresses of the branches of Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC are listed on the website