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On an annual basis, the Corporation provides financing to agribusiness entities for spring field and harvesting operations at the expense of an attracted budget loan within the framework of the 262-budget program.
In 2023, budget funds in the amount of 140.0 billion tenge are planned for these purposes.
Lending to farmers under this program is carried out through CT, MFIs, RIC and STB, for which the interest rate is 1.5% per annum (GESV – from 1.5% per annum), the margin is fin. institutions do not exceed 3.5% per annum.
A universal program within which financing of livestock, crop and processing enterprises is carried out for the purchase of fixed assets (including modernization of facilities); construction and reconstruction; replenishment of working capital.
The program is implemented through branches of the Corporation and other financial organizations.
Loans are provided at the expense of the National Bank.The Fund, budgetary, own and borrowed funds, in this regard, the remuneration rate may vary.
In 2023, funds in the amount of 142.1 billion tenge are planned for the implementation of this program.
The program is aimed at micro-crediting various types of business entrepreneurs.
The loan amount under the program is limited to 8000 MCI.
Microcredit is implemented through branches of the Corporation, as well as through credit partnerships and microfinance organizations.
The source of funds is budgetary funds allocated within the framework of the State Program for Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship, as well as the Employment Roadmap.
Micro-crediting of youth
The youth microcredit program is implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the National Entrepreneurship Development Project for 2021-2025.
The Agrarian Credit Corporation acts as an attorney (agent) within the framework of the youth microcredit program and implements the functions of accepting documents, evaluating a business project, preparing loan and collateral agreements, transferring the loan amount to the borrower, verifying the intended use of the loan, monitoring collateral, making settlements with borrowers, accepting payments from borrowers, working with overdue debts and submission of reports to the authorized bodies.
Microcredit is aimed at supporting young entrepreneurs aged 21 to 35 years, whose registration period as an individual entrepreneur at the time of application does not exceed 5 years. Representatives of working youth can also participate in the program.
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