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Two new production facilities opened in Almaty region

A modern fruit storage facility of a new generation started working near the village of Shelek. The cold storage facility for storing apples and other fruits was implemented with the financial support of JSC "agrarian credit Corporation".

- The project was implemented in the framework of the program for the development of agriculture, implemented by the Ministry of agriculture of the country. The total project is 6.5 billion, more than 4.5 billion tenge provided agricultural credit Corporation, the remaining money is the own funds of the investor - said in his speech, the Chairman of the Board of JSC "agrarian credit Corporation" Murat Daribaev.

The Alma Mater Fields project was funded by the Corporation in stages from 2017 to 2019 under the AgroExport program. State support measures were aimed at creating two fruit orchards on 120 and 90.5 hectares. using modern technology of drip irrigation and trellis system, as well as fruit storage for 3,600 tons, with a controlled gas environment for a total amount of more than 4.5 billion tenge.

The refrigerating complex keeps the products fresh for up to 12 months. This will allow us to supply fresh and juicy fruit to domestic and foreign markets all year round. This means that in winter, Kazakhstanis will be able to buy locally produced products at a lower price.

The fruit storage facility is equipped with 18 refrigerating chambers with controlled gas environment and humidity. The metal structures of the complex are made in Kazakhstan, the cladding is Russian, and all the equipment is Dutch.

Another promising export project has been successfully launched in the Almaty region. On the site of an abandoned farm in the village of Kokpekty, near the city of Ushtobe, a new pig breeding complex for 1200 heads was opened. In September last year, the Ministry of agriculture of Kazakhstan signed a Protocol on the requirements for exporting pork to China. Every year, the inhabitants of China consume more than 57 million tons of pork, which is 52% of the world's volume. This makes it possible for Kazakh agricultural producers to export products to a huge market.

Pig breeding is one of the areas of investment projects financed by JSC "agrarian credit Corporation". The new pig breeding complex was launched by the company "Karatal Breeding and hybrid center". The construction of the complex was carried out thanks to the borrowed funds of the Agricultural credit Corporation. More than 60 jobs will be created at this enterprise.

To date, the first batch of sows in the amount of 312 heads of Danish Landrace and Yorkshire breeds has been delivered to the pig farm. The production capacity will be 13 thousand tons of meat per year. The company provides its own feed for growing crops, which is processed by a feed complex from Poland with a capacity of 8,000 kg / hour.

-We work as a breeding and hybrid center, that is, both meat and breeding material will be sold, - says Aliya Sultanova, financial Director of Karatal SSC LLP – no one has ever imported such a breed of sows to Kazakhstan, and even in the Russian Federation there are only a few of them. The main financial assistance in the implementation of this unique project was provided by the agricultural credit Corporation.

The company has a closed production cycle-from mating animals to achieving marketable condition for slaughter. The company plans to deliver its products to China by the end of 2020. It is worth noting that the investment project is financed at an annual interest rate of 8%.

In 2019, the financing of investment projects by the Agricultural credit Corporation amounted to 290 billion tenge.