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Agrarian Credit Corporation took part in the I International Agricultural Forum “PRO AgroTechnologies-23”

The I Regional International Agricultural Forum “PRO AgroTechnologies’23” was held in the Kostanay region. Its participants included more than a hundred representatives of agriculture in the country, near and far abroad.

The farmers discussed the introduction of digital developments, government support measures, and new technologies in agriculture.

According to the organizer of the agricultural forum, Nurlan Mukhamedzhanov, the introduction of innovative approaches both in production and in management is a requirement of the time. The experts gave recommendations on agricultural technologies for cultivating oilseeds, cultivating forage crops, on varieties of grain and leguminous seeds and technologies for their cultivation, on drawing up “correct” agrotechnological maps in extreme conditions and on other areas of agricultural business.

Deputy Chairman of the Board of Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC Marlen Nabiev informed the participants of the agricultural forum about financing and investment opportunities. The speaker noted that the Agrarian Credit Corporation provides lending to investment projects, spring field and harvesting works, funding of credit partnerships, second-tier banks, microfinance organizations, leasing companies, microcredit to rural businesses, as well as operator functions in the field of agricultural insurance.

The share of the Agrarian Credit Corporation in the agricultural financing market exceeds 76.6% of loans: every two out of three financed projects received support from the ACC. The number of final borrowers is 87 thousand people. Considering that there are 263 thousand agricultural producers in the republic, it is easy to calculate that every third of them is financed by the ACC.

This year, the corporation plans to allocate 22.3 billion tenge in the Kostanay region for all lending programs. Including under the “Ken Dala” – 12 billion, under the “Agribusiness” program through credit partnerships – 4.6 billion tenge, under the “Agribusiness” program through direct lending – 3 billion tenge, under the “Isker” program – 1.8 billion tenge, for youth lending – 900 million tenge. Today, the implementation of the annual financing plan for the Kostanay branch is 14%.

You can find information of interest on lending programs on the corporate website, as well as on ACC’s official social media accounts.