This fall, Kazakh plant growers harvested 21.8 million tons of grain. This is a record harvest over the past ten years. Farmers now need to clean, dry and store their crops to ensure their quality does not deteriorate. For Nurlan Kobzhanov from the village of Zvezdnoye, Osakarovsky district, Karaganda region, this is not a problem. With the support of the Agrarian Credit Corporation, the entrepreneur purchased expensive modern equipment for cleaning and drying grain. The Kobrzanov farm has been growing barley and wheat for 15 years. This spring, 3 thousand hectares of land were sown with grain crops. In the autumn they reaped a rich harvest. There are no problems with cleaning and drying grain on the farm. This is due to the presence of our own conveyor grain dryer and grain cleaning complex. The entrepreneur purchased all the necessary equipment last year. A loan in the amount of 76 million tenge was provided to the Agrarian Credit Corporation under the Agribusiness program. Loans in this area are provided to large and small producers of agricultural products for the purchase of equipment, modernization of facilities, construction and installation work, and replenishment of working capital. This year, Karaganda farmers received loans under the Agribusiness program in the amount of 5.3 billion tenge.