In agriculture, as in any business, it is important to make the right choice in relation to the partner. Valikhan Asayev, head of the Shahnur farm, is confident that he made the right choice, reports BOSS-agro with a link to the page of the Agricultural credit Corporation on Facebook. For more than 15 years, Valikhan Mamatiraimovich has been a member of the credit partnership "YASSY Nessie" and a borrower of the Agricultural credit Corporation. Shahnur farm from Karnak village of Turkestan region in the early 2000s, having received 51.87 hectares of land, started growing vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, pepper, watermelons, melon, pumpkin, etc.), alfalfa, wheat, perennial herbs. Later, the head of KH decided to join a credit partnership, becoming one of its first founders. In 2003, there were only 11 participants in the Iasi Nessie KT, now there are almost 1,500. In 2012, Shahnur farm took out a loan to build a greenhouse, inspired by the greenhouse business of farmers from Israel. Valikhan's example inspired many of His neighbors to build greenhouses. As soon as the greenhouse business got back on its feet, the head of the farm decided to try his hand at animal husbandry, once again turning to a credit partnership. In 2018, the head of KT Karimzhan Gaibishov advised a long-time partner to take high-breed cattle, especially since the "Sybaga"program appeared again in the ACC product line. Valikhan Mamatiraimovich says that he doubted for a long time, because he was afraid that imported cattle would cause trouble and whether there would be enough experience in keeping them. However, after studying the experience of neighbors, I decided to take a risk. At the end of 2018, 100 selected herefords came to the village of Karnak from the Chelyabinsk region. Today, looking at the overgrown herd, Valikhan Asayev is glad that he once listened to his partner. "There is nothing to be afraid of, you should only go ahead and make the right financial calculations," says the head of the farm.