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Quality raw materials - production success

In 2015, in the village of Chapaevo, Kyzylzhar district, North Kazakhstan region, Kyzylzhar Sut LLP was established, which was mainly engaged in crop production. In 2020, the Chapaev farm began to create a modern dairy farm.

“Our farm is designed for 720 heads of cattle, the cost of the project is more than 3 billion tenge. With the financing of the Agrarian Credit Corporation, pedigree cattle were purchased abroad. The loan is very profitable for us, first of all, due to the low interest rate and the grace period,” says the head of “Kyzylzhar Sut” LLP.

The universal program "Agribusiness" provides for loans for the purchase of equipment, construction and installation works, renovation, replenishment of working capital. So the farm has established the supply of milk to processing enterprises. It is planned to receive up to 4,000 tons of fresh milk here annually.
